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Smart Olive Tree Farming

Multi-disciplinary Approach

Olive Farming, IoT and XG Connection Service Provider, Farmer Advisors (Phytopathologist, Entomologist, Agricultural Economist)

Co-creation with end-users and stakeholders


To develop olive farming in Türkiye using advanced digital tools for better management and environmental sustainability of olive groves.


The Living Lab in Türkiye focuses on olive tree garden and integrate a large set of technologies (NB-IoT, eMTC, 5G NR and WiFi) for offering digital solutions to farmers, foresters, and refugees. Social and economic integration are ensured, especially by training women refugees on olive farming. The data collected from the sensors installed in the field feed early warning systems that notify end-users on the most effective control time for diseases and pests. With the use of early warning systems, environmental sustainability is supported, and the yield and quality of the product will be increased with the right, timely and adequate struggle.


Contact person

Muzaffer Kerem Savran

İzzet Sağlam